Private Podiatry Clinic & Home Visits
Angel is...
...understanding that every individual is unique
...our passion for providing excellent service
...our commitment to treat every individual with dignity, compassion and respect

Head Podiatrist
Angel's Head Podiatrist, Gina has over twenty-one years' experience in both the NHS & Private medicine. Starting with a few flyers and a handful of clients, the clinic has grown almost exclusively through word-of-mouth, with Gina remaining at the heart of the centre.
If you would like to be seen by a consummate professional with extensive knowledge and expertise across the field, you should choose Gina.
Clinic Specialist
Angel's resident educator and MSK specialist, Faisal brings a wealth of experience to help explain the most complex issues in a way that's easy to understand. A former robotics engineer and instructor, Faisal's passion for empowering your health makes them a popular choice.
Faisal is who you should choose if you'd like to discuss your issues in greater detail, or would like to take charge of your foot & MSK health. You can book directly with them, or Gina may refer you onwards.

This is who we are. This is what we do
Making an appointment
We've always put the patient at the heart of everything we do, and this begins from the moment you make your first booking with us. We are still the only clinic in London that offers a full range of private podiatry services, with simple, clearly displayed fees. Our booking and email service is available 24hrs a day and you can make a medical appointment with the clinician of your choice, at a time of your choosing, wherever you are.
Our services are for patients over 18yrs of age only, as our expertise lies in adult care. For the ongoing health of our patients, we do not treat verrucae as they are highly infectious.
Attending your first appointment
An appointment is for a single issue, and many issues are long-term ones. At your first consultation, your Podiatrist will discuss your general health, as well as the circumstances of your issue. Our clinicians will outline in detail their findings, and with your input, devise a course of action. Most issues, such as a corn or hardened skin can be addressed during the appointment, where it is safe and beneficial to you to do so.
What to expect
We pride ourselves on our professionalism, and will strive to bring that to each appointment. We are passionate about our work, and take every care to ensure that our clinic remains an inclusive and welcoming space.
We may sometimes need to refer you onwards if further investigations are needed, and will only do so with your understanding and consent. We prefer low-impact, conservative treatment where possible, as this is usually the most beneficial course for our patients.
If you can't attend
We understand that life gets in the way, which is why we don't encourage rebooking immediately after your visit. If you need to reschedule, please email us at least 24hrs beforehand at info@angelchiropody.com.