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Private Podiatry Clinic & Home Visits
About Private ClinicsPrivate clinics allow you to get medical consultation at a time that suits you, with fast availability for the majority of services. Most common problems can be successfully managed through a thorough medical history, consultation and appropriate treatment plan. A fee is payable for these services. Your podiatrist will work with you to devise a treatment plan best suited to your needs. It is up to you to ensure the plan reflects your wishes as discussed during your consultation, so please take the opportunity to discuss any issues with your Podiatrist if you are unsure. You can read more about How Private Clinics work here
Why you should see a PodiatristYou can look your symptoms online - it’s easier than ever. That means it’s easier still to come to the wrong conclusion. There’s a lot of confusing, often contradictory advice available online and without being able to put it in context, you could wind up following some very poor advice. The recent crackdown on covid-19 misinformation shows how widespread this has become. You could seriously prolong or even worsen your condition! A lot of ‘free’ advice ends up recommending certain treatments, which the site gets a commission for. You won’t get better, and you’ll be making the site get a pay-out at your expense. This is why it’s so important to see a medically trained professional. Your podiatrist will examine you and place everything into context in a way you can understand. The treatment plan will be evidence-based and have a solid history of use in the medical professions. When you see your podiatrist, you’re starting a partnership to look after your health -something no free advice site can ever offer.
Registering with usSimple: once you've made a booking you can fill in your forms online or when you arrive at the clinic. Your medical history is vital to your consultation – a small detail may not be obvious to you but provide the missing piece to your problem. The New Patient Form asks a lot of questions to help focus on what’s most useful to the investigation and allows your Podiatrist more time with you in the clinic. If you’re an existing patient who hasn’t been for some time, you’ll be asked to complete the shorter Medical Update Form. We take your health and your privacy seriously, which is why we make our terms available online in plain English, as well as all the information you need when you become our patient. As part of our Covid-19 protocols, we’ve now introduced a screening survey to ensure that all visitors self-declare that the are free of coronavirus symptoms in addition to a non-contact temperature check.
Can I have it all done in one appointment?Short answer: probably not. It all depends on your consultation: for routine issues such as corns or calluses there’s no reason that a single session won’t get rid of the issue at hand, but if you don’t follow the agreed treatment plan, you might wind up back with the same problem. Calluses for example, are caused by repeated friction and pressure. This may be caused in turn by poor footwear or a biomechanical issue. This is where the treatment plan comes in. All treatments follow a careful plan, from a simple callus removal to treating heel pain or long-term diabetes issues. You may require a single visit or two, maybe more. All this will be outlined and discussed with you before treatment begins. We want you to feel in control and understand at all times how your plan progresses. If a follow-up visit is required, you’ll be made aware of this in advance. If a dressing pack is required, you will be charged for it – something larger like an orthotic will be up to you. There are no hidden fees or surcharges – our fees list and terms state everything you need to know beforehand, so you can continue to make the best decision for your health.
Can you guarantee the problem will go away?No medical treatment is ever guaranteed, because too many factors are outside our control. You can be treated for athlete’s foot quite easily but if you don’t wash all your socks at 60C when you get back from treatment, or carry on wearing the same shoes, it may come back even stronger. Then there are biomechanical issues that cause corns, calluses or blisters. We can devise a treatment plan for coping with fallen arches but if you don’t do the exercises we recommend, or continue wearing improper footwear, the problem will keep coming back. What we do is make our best efforts to get you better, but we can only do that with your help. The human body is a complicated system and often medical conditions need repeated management, maintenance and medical reviews. We will endeavour to assist you in achieving this with sound guidance and evidence-based medical advice.
Do you treat verrucas?No. Verrucae take anywhere between 1-3 years to deal with and that depends largely on the person’s innate health. Needling and cryotherapy have good results, but the underlying cause of plantar warts is a virus (specifically human papilloma virus) and there is no guarantee that you may not catch the virus again. While verrucae are unsightly, they eventually do resolve themselves
Cosmetic nail removalsWe are clinical specialists: we never perform cosmetic or unnecessary procedures. While a damaged toenail may be unsightly, it’s rarely life-threatening. All treatments need a clinical justification and we would always strive to use use more conservative treatments where possible. Surgery is only discussed where other options have been exhausted or would prove ineffectual, and never without prior discussion for suitability. Your wellbeing is our first concern, and sometimes that is best served by saying ‘no’.
I read about this great medical hackSometimes, the human body has been pushed to its structural limits. Regardless of your levels of physical fitness there are presenting problems cannot be easily remedied, even by medical experts with decades of experience. The truth is there are no medical ‘hacks’ in real life, and many of our long-term clients have been working hard to keep fit. Good foot health takes commitment by both you and your Podiatrist. We’ll always do our part.
Can we conference by Zoom?Soon!
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