Private Podiatry Clinic & Home Visits

Plantar Fasciitis Management £125
One of the most common causes of pain in the heel and lower foot
Heel pain has been on the rise since lockdown ended and Plantar Fasciitis is almost always the leading cause. It's a pain in the bottom of your foot (the plantar area) or heel and is usually at its worst when you take your first steps in the morning. Left untreated it can cause great pain or even tear the muscle tissues.
Your Podiatrist has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating plantar fasciitis, from identifying risk factors and complications to advising on suitable exercises, footwear and orthotics. We will work with you, giving you advice, treatment and support, and even show you exercises that you can use at home.
Plantar Fasciitis is the one of the most common causes of heel pain, but it's not the only one. While the term has become a lot more widely known in the last few years, it's unfortunately become the 'go-to' diagnosis for many free online information sites. Covid-19 has seen a huge change in working patterns for us all, and in the UK and the US there's been a sharp increase in foot problems*, particularly heel pain.
For runners and walkers in particular plantar heel pain can be quite onerous, as they may be at increased risk of further damage. We typically see runners/ walkers who have read online that a particular type of trainer or mountain boot is the 'best for plantar fasciitis' without addressing the root cause of the problem.
Your Podiatrist however, is a lower-limb specialist who can determine if that heel pain really is plantar fasciitis, and advise the best course of management. Exercises, stretches and orthotics can all help play a vital role in your recovery, and your Podiatrist will work with you to help you manage this increasingly common problem.